Saturday, May 14, 2016

How to Prepare for the Transition - College to Career

I am mentoring several recent college graduates.  Some are just about to graduate, others have been out for one, two or even five years.

The transition from college to career is one of the biggest in life.

For those working a traditional office job it can be a hard transition:

After 13 plus 4 or more years of getting up five days a week and going to school for about 180 days a year... all of the sudden, it's get up (REALLY EARLY!) to be a work by 8 am.  And sit for four hours until noon.  An hour (if you're lucky) for lunch. Then sit for 4 hours until five.

And go home. Do it again! With 2 weeks off after a year.  Instead of the summer off (13 weeks) plus a 2 week break at Christmas (or more) and a week break in the Spring.

Working a 40 hour a week job means working 2080 hours a year. (80 of those hours are vacation! and another 80 are holidays if you get 10 paid holidays like T-day, Christmas and 4th of July!)  This may be way different than carrying a 16 hour college load.

If you were in school 16 hours a week, you probably studied another 10 or 16 hours on a tough week. Maybe worked a part time job of 10-20 hours a week. So, yeah, you're busy with school, studying & working of 46 to 52 hours a week. But it is different!

For those who never did an internship, but instead worked retail or restaurant to get thru school... the sitting and meetings can be mind numbing!

Here are some of my suggestions to make a better transition:

  • Walk during your lunch break. At least 15 minutes, preferably more.  
  • Build relationships with coworkers. Sitting at the computer isn't much interaction. But "interview" them. Where did they work before, what was good/bad/better about it?
  • Learn what the boss expects and wants. What does it take to "exceed expectations" and what doesn't matter to the boss at all. You may be surprised. Don't assume!
  • Find ways to build additional learning into your natural life.  Meet-ups. On line course.  Mini training sessions.  Don't decide now that you're out of school that you're done learning!  You must keep on learning, it is optional how. 
  • Figure out what you like and don't like about the job, the boss, the company.  Keep a list of how you will do things better when you are the boss, you own a company.  What is it that your boss does well? Co workers?
  • Attend organizations that match your own goals - industry professional associations.  Even if it is on line, look for what's new in your field.   Make this a lifelong habit.  Things change. Alot. And fast. You'll be ready when the company gets sold, or everyone in your department gets restructured (laid off.) Expect it to happen and meet the challenge of being ready.
  • Turn around and help other new grads who are making the transition. You'll be able to help someone more than you know. 
  • Assuming you are skilled at MicroSoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Get equally comfortable with WordPress, Hoot Suite, and scheduling meetings with an online calendar like iCal, Google Calendar and/or MicroSoft Outlook. Also helpful: FreeConferenceCall or similar. New tools make you a valuable asset.  Not knowing how to use the basics can be stumbling block.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

UP WOMAN CIRCLE CONFERENCE “BRAND NEW YOU: Having a Powerful Brand, Presence & Image”

UP Woman Conference March 27 2014
Cleveland, OH – UP (Undeniably Powerful) Woman is a movement helping women recognize their value, overcome fears and use the power of their voice to achieve success. The UP Woman Circles are providing women with a place to gather worldwide with other professional and business women, build trust and powerful relationships, increase business, be mentored and gain insight on their spiritual and personal power to help live their ideal life. UP Woman will speak up about domestic violence and also mentor UP Girls on being powerful in school, work, and business.

Read More here!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Interview with Confidence by Rehearsing your Responses to Common Quesitons

Do you ace your interviews?  Not many people do, but as a business owner, I can tell when people are just nervous or when they are unprepared.

Answers that show you're unprepared:
  • That's a good question, I never thought about that.
  • I'm not sure, I liked them all.
  • Oh, I don't know, I think you've covered everything.

Many times I'll ask a question, not so much because I want to hear what the answer is, but rather, I want you to talk and interact so I get a sense of what kind of person you are.   How you think.

Rehearse before you get to the interview.
By reviewing common questions at interviews and preparing short but interesting answers of two or three sentences each, you help to give the interviewer a lot more insight into you as a person.

Prepare some questions of your own
Asking the interviewer something besides, "how many weeks of vacation" or "what are the hours" is more impressive.  Insightful questions help to round out the impression left at your interview.

I like to start the interview with some small talk just to loosen up.  Something about the weather or directions "did you find it okay?" doesn't require a long involved answer, but again, a few sentences to communicate.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

ATHENA Awards Announced in Erie PA for Leadership

Congratulations to Colleen Moore Mezler, owner of Moore Research Services Inc., who was honored at a luncheon held on October 7, 2011 as the recepient of the 2011 ATHENA Leadership Award in Erie, PA, USA.

The award for leadership is given in Erie each year to an individual who demonstrates excellence, creativity and initiative in her business or profession and actively helps women achieve their leadership potential.

Colleen was honored at a luncheon held at the Bel-Aire Clarion Hotel and Conference Center in Erie.

Colleen has been with Moore Research Services, Inc. since 1987 and has managed hundreds of research projects in all aspects of the firm from interviewing to client management. She currently oversees all aspects of the company’s day-to-day operations.

She has been recognized with other awards and honors. In 2008 she earned her Professional Researchers Certification and 2009 was awarded the Distinguished Service Award from the Marketing Research Association. In 2010, Colleen received the Small Business Administration Western Pennsylvania Women-Owned Business of the Year.

She is currently serving a three year term as a director on the ATHENA International board of directors, a founding member of the ATHENA Leadership Circle and last month participated in the regional "Go for the GREEN" conference in Orlando, Florida.

Her business was selected as a 2009 ATHENA PowerLink recepient. In 2010, Moore Research was recognized as a finalist for the Erie County Economic Development Corporation Employer of the Year.

Past recepients of the ATHENA Award in Erie include:

  • Susan K. Breon, Center For eBusiness & Advanced IT

  • Tina Donikowski, GE Transportation

  • Tom Kennedy, Professional Development Associates Inc.

  • Kathleen A. Scheppner, American Tinning and Galvanizing Company

  • Linda Stevenson, PNC Bank

  • Richard Wachter, CPA, DeMarco Wachter & Co.

  • Susan Wellman, Ophelia Project

The 2011 Young Professional ATHENA Award in Erie went to Catherine Franks, a student at Penn State the Behrend College.

For more informational about the awards program at the international organization, visit the website.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Akron ATHENA International Leadership Awards 2011 event

Akron ATHENA Leadership Award Recipients (from left:)

2003 Norma Rist
2011 Julia Hall, CPA, BCG & Co.- ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award
2007 Theresa Carter
2011 Judge Elinore Marsh Stormer, Summit County Court of Common Pleas
2010 Daisy Alford-Smith, Ph.D
2009 Jacqueline Silas-Butler, Esq.
2005 Debra Adams Simmons
2008 Ilene Shapiro

ATHENA International honors, supports and develops women leaders. Last night over 400 people gathered to honor and celebrate the achievements of the ATHENA International Leadership Award finalists and recipients for the Cleveland and Akron areas.

2011 ATHENA Leadership Award Finalists from Akron:

Tracy L. Carter, MHSA
Summa Health System

Judge Carla Moore
Ninth District Court of Appeals

Kathy L. Stafford, Ph.D.
Akron General Medical Center

Bernett L. Williams
Akron Children's Hospital

The 2011 Cleveland Recipient was Peter A. DeMarco, Meaden & Moore, Ltd. and the 2011 Cleveland ATHENA Award finalists were:
Mary-Alice Frank, American Red Cross of Greater Cleveland
Debra J. Horn, Meyers, Roman, Friedburg & Lewis
Barbara Kakiris, Qinetic North America, Inc./ NASA Glenn Research Center
Michelle Sheehan, Reminger Co., LPA

The ATHENA Young Professional Award was presented to Anne marie M. Grassi, Executive Director, Open Doors Academy.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to Break Into Video Production

An interview with Montrose Video owner, Deborah Shapiro, about how she got started, where the industry is going and how you can get into video Monica Baird via the Akronist.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Japanese Earthquake: Find a Person

The last entry in this publication was the day of the earthquake. Since then, this tool has become available to help to find people.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Congratulations to the 2011 Akron ATHENA International Award Finalists

Congratulations to the 2011 Akron Young Professional Award Recipient and 2011 Akron ATHENA International Award Finalists!

This prestigious award is bestowed upon someone who has attained and embodies the highest level of professional excellence in her/his business or profession, has devoted time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community and actively assists women in realizing their leadership potential.

From left:

2011 ATHENA International Young Professional Award in Akron

  • Julia Hall, CPA, MT, BCG & Company

2011 ATHENA International Award Finalists for Akron:

  • Judge Carla Moore, Judge, Ninth District Court of Appeals
  • Tracy L. Carter MHSA. System Director, Government Affairs and Health Policy, Summa Health System
  • Kathy L. Stafford, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Strategy, Marketing and Communications, Akron General Medical Center
  • Bernett L. Williams, Vice President of External Relations, Akron Children's Hospital
  • Judge Elinore March Stormer, Judge, Summit County Court of Common Pleas

Register now for the 2011 awards banquet on Thursday May 5 at 5:30 by clicking on this link and then on the RSVP on the far right on the navigation bar. It will be an inspirational evening when the two young professional award recipients are honored and all the Cleveland and Akron Finalists are recognized the the two Recipients are announced.

Special thanks to the host: Inside Business Magazine

And thanks to the sponsors:
PNC Bank

Zinner and Co.

Meaden & Moore

Junior League of Cleveland

The Women's Journal

Monday, March 07, 2011

March is Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month. Here are 50 Fascinating Facts about Women in History.

Many of the facts I was aware of, but was surprised that 60% of the degrees go to women and that 71% of the women with small children work outside the home. I assume they are measuring only the United States.

Monday, February 07, 2011

The 25 Most Difficult Jobs in the World

Maybe you're looking into changing careers or finding a new job. If so, you'll want to check out this post from CareerOverview: The 25 Most Difficult Jobs in the World!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What's the Difference Between a Career and a Job?

I'm curious to see what you describe the difference between a job and a career is.

a series of jobs in the same field
Jobs you like
different job titles in the same industry?

Something you dislike to in "it's just a job"
When you're working for the paycheck, not for the experience.

What's your definition of the difference between a Real Career and Just a Job?

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Estimating Salaries

Salary Estimates
How much does a certain job pay? The Department of Labor has a helpful salary scale that is set up by city and state for all the various jobs and careers with starting, mid and high levels of salary.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How Do You Stand Out in Your Field?

Are You a Stand Out?
Standing out in a Sea of Sameness

The intent of this page is to give college students a head start on their careers. While there is unquestionable value in the links and resources here, the biggest bang for the buck comes from those who have lived the college experience, graduated and are out there in the world moving forward. If this description fits you, consider offering a few sentences of advice to those who aspire to be just like you

Check out this Facebook Page for interesting content in Standing Out in the Sea of Sameness.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Job Hunting for a Dream Job/Career in PR, Social Media or Marketing? Tips here.

Don't you just love this graphic image from Marketing Zen?

Marketing Zen is a professional digital marketing agency in Texas that has a wonderful blog post that offers 13 Tips to Land your Dream Job in PR, Social Media and Marketing.

I love #6 - build a portfolio and # 12 - Create a business card for job hunt.

To read all 13 click thru on 13 Ways to Land your Dream Internship in Marketing, PR, and Social Media

Friday, July 02, 2010

ATHENA International Honors Women Leaders in Northeast Ohio with Cleveland Akron Awards Ceremony on Wednesday

Shown at right, Deborah Read from Thompson Hine, the Cleveland area 2010 ATHENA International Leadership Award Recipient, was honored at the event sponsored and hosted by Inside Business Magazine.

Norma Rist Past Chair of ATHENA International stands with Daisy Alford-Smith Executive Director of the Girl Scouts of North East Ohio and the Akron area 2010 ATHENA International Leadership Award Recepient and Dianne Dinkel ATHENA International President CEO

The photo above includes (from left) Norma Rist, the Past Chair of ATHENA International with Daisy Alford-Smith, the Executive Director of the Girl Scouts of North East Ohio and the Akron area 2010 ATHENA International Leadership Award Recipient and Dianne Dinkel, ATHENA International President/CEO.

Congratulations to all the Northeast Ohio 2010 ATHENA International Leadership Award Finalists

Virginia Albanese
FedEx Custom Critical, Inc.

Judge Brenda Burnham Unruh
Summit County Court of Common Pleas

Carol Heiss Jenkins
U.S. Figure Skating Association &
Professional Skaters' Association

Judi Hill
Retired Educator, Akron Public Schools

Ann V. Klotz
Laurel School

Eileen Saffran
The Gathering Place

Rachel Y. Talton, D.M.
Synergy Marketing Strategy & Research, Inc.

Mary Verdi-Fletcher
The Dancing Wheels Company & School

Congratulations to the 2010 ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award Recipients

Danielle J. Kimmel, CPA
Bober, Markey, Fedorovich & Co.

Charity Ewanko
Chartreuse, Inc.

KPMG is the International Underwriter for ATHENA International and the National Sponsor of the ATHENA Young Professional Award.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Interviewing Fashion Advice for Women is a social utility for medical students, residents and program coordinators. Plan your Interview Trail, Book Travel, and Share Your Trail with other medical students. Get your personalized residency match probability, and check out residency program rankings based on anonymous rank lists aggregated in real time!From a medical student's blog on how to get a job as a doctor.

Fashion Tips for Women

So you’re gonna be a doctor? Better start dressing like one… here are some tips to help you put together a look for the interview season:

1. Wear a suit. This is the safest and most appropriate choice for an interview. The skirt vs. pants debate rages on; however, what really matters is that you find a professional, tailored suit that fits you well. Your suit should be lined on the inside (both jacket and skirt/pants). Unlined suits show every last wrinkle and undergarment line. Not so classy. Some other gems from the Interview Trail

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why are Women Owned Businesses Smaller?

The Wall Street Journal looks at the size of Women Owned Businesses. Why don't they grow their business as large as the businesses owned by men?

4 Reasons in this article: 1)goals, Access to 2)capital 3)markets and 4)networks... and what to do about it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Using Social Media to Land a Job

If you're a job hunter, you should be using some form of social media for your job hunting.

Perhaps your resume and skill summary is posted on LinkedIn?
Maybe you've tweeted your intentions on Twitter?
Or even created a portfolio on a Facebook Photo Album?

This last month Laura Gainor successfully used to woo, court and land her next employer with a visual resume and creative use of social media that goes way beyond 99.9% of the social media uses of job hunting... but maybe it will give you a good idea of what is possible.

Take a look at this embeded show, but if you have trouble reading it, here's the link to Laura Gainor's job hunting post for Comet Branding.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Kent State University Entrepreneurship Scholarship Fund-raiser April 18th

Find out more about the Kent State University Scholarship Fundraiser on April 18, 2010 at Ray's Place, Kent Ohio. 5 to 10 pm.

It's $20 at the door cover charge with 100% of the money going to benefit the scholarship fund.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Recruit smart, savvy women

Not your ordinary job fair, Women For Hire Expos offer resume critiquing, power seminars and an all-new mentor match program sponsored by Walmart. Our targeted expertise delivers the diverse talent you seek. Visit to learn about customized recruitment solutions.

I was surprised at the quality of this site. When I first heard that WalMart sponsored it, I wasn't sure about it, but I am impressed.

Monday, January 25, 2010

100 Job Search Tips from FORTUNE 500 Recruiters

This ebook is filled with job hunting stories, anctecdotes and how to tips that will help anyone who is job searching.

100 Job Search Tips from FORTUNE 500 Recruiters

Recommended Resources:

Brazen Careerist: A blog with a modern view of job searching, career development,and the workplace.
Career Hub: Blog A blog written by a diverse group of career coaches.
Dice Job board for tech jobs. A college career services and jobs website. Allows you to update all your social network statuses from one place. A tool for job seekers, job hunters, recruiters, and headhunters to organize the job hunt and anage a professional network. A job source by the author of What Color Is Your Parachute? Interview tips and suggestions, interview questions and answers, interview attire, and interview thank-you letters. Offers 2.5 million jobs across 15 industries, and new jobs can be delivered to you through RSS, text, etc. Offers career advice for students and young professionals. A professional networking site where you can build your résumé profile, connect with past colleagues, view new job opportunities,
and connect with people who currently work at the target company. A website that is dedicated to the careers of college students. Job search sites that use search engine optimization to find all available positions. An executive job board with opportunities that have salaries of $100K and above. A microblogging service that allows you to interact with hiring managers at a more personal level. This site allows you to search through Twitter, using keywords, to find a job or internship.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who Inspires You?

Robin McMaster of Brain Based Biz and Ellen Weber of Brain Leaders and Learners
Robin McMaster (left) recently shared that Ellen Weber (right) inspires her in her "Brain Based Biz" blog post "Ellen Weber - An Inspiration" .

Robin and Ellen both work at the MITA Brain Based Center, to equip leaders with practical brain based tactics that optimize satisfaction and output at work.

I enjoy reading their on line publications because they always challenge my thought processes and help me to look at things by another angle. I love the concept of two footed questions and how a 2 footed question can help actually redirect thinking.

Ellen Weber writes and publishes Brain Leaders and Learners
Robyn McMaster writes and publishs Brain Based Biz

So. Who inspires you?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Law about College Loan Forgiveness and Student Debt Repayments: Links & Information

As anyone facing repayment of a student loan without enough money to make ends meet knows: Student debt can be a major problem!

A recent law with changes in the requirements about student loan repayments make it easier to meet the gap if based on your income.

View video here.

This is especially helpful if you could not find a job, or your hours have been cut or you recently lost your job, but still have outstanding student loans.
Are you a teacher? Serve in the Peace Corp or Americorps?

On July 1, 2009 Income Based Repayment or IBR became law. What is this loan forgiveness law? Under certain circumstances -- any remaining debt after 25 years will be forgiven... or after 10 years if you work for a non profit.

Do you qualify? The income based section is based on the amount you earn and the number of people in your family. The public service portion depends upon where you choose to work after graduation.

Here's the link to the IBR calculator -- income based repayment calculator. Punch in your numbers for a quick look. Here's the link to the 29 pages of fine print & government bill that lists the jobs that qualify ((including licensed or regulated child care, Head Start, and State-funded pre-kindergarten, nurses, nurse practitioners, nurses in a clinical setting and full-time professionals engaged in health care practitioner occupations and health care support occupations as such terms are defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

Student Loan Forgiveness

Here are links about student debt repayment information and the new law. It's been in the works for a while. Here's some important and helpful links for learning more about how to get forgiveness on your student loans based on your income.
Retrieve your amount of student loan debt here.

Find out more about student loan reduction qualifications here at this financial aid site

December 3, 2009 IBR Final Rules and Application Help

October 20, 2009 Update on Loan Forgiveness and Private Loans

August 6, 2009 Make Your Voice Heard and Learn More About IBR

July 10, 2009 Answering Your IBR Questions

June 30, 2009 IBR Applications Now Available

June 19, 2009 Take Action for Real Loan Forgiveness!

June 11, 2009 New IBR Video -- Ditch Your Debt Gremlin

May 26, 2009 Great News, Plus Q & A Update

April 8, 2009 New Podcast and a Chance to Help

February 27, 2009 IBR Calculator updates and new FAQ section

December 17, 2008 Fighting for Fairness and Access

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Power of Women in the Boardroom

A recent study shows important factors of women in the boardroom in helping a board of directors become more effective.

Important findings, the good:
  • Perspective
  • Dynamic
  • Teamwork
  • Less ego driven
  • Good questions
  • Challenging status quo
  • Great energy, drive and commitment

Important findings, the weaknesses:

  • lower self confidence
  • either too passive or too aggressive
  • tend to be perfectionists

Read the article 6 Perspectives on Women in the Boardroom, Plus 3 Tips for an Effective Board: FTSE 100 Breakfast Panel at the Glass Hammer for the full information.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Roni's Weigh Hits a New Milestone

Roni (Veronica “Roni” Noone) is an inspiration to many many women.

She's been blogging for several years at Roni's Weigh and Green Lite Bites and has really built a huge following. I think Roni's way of blogging, accepting a few ads but really being authentic and true to her readers has helped her to turn her blogging into a business. She got into it after she lost weight with Weight Watchers but wanted to become more healthy in her eating.

Today, she hit a major milestone.

After losing 70 pounds and keeping it off for several years, today she is running the Baltimore Marathon! As I type this, she just completed 11.5 miles of the 26.2 run.

It's really cool to follow her live on TwitPic after all the training and effort she's done to get ready for this.

Although her blog has a lot of information about food and staying fit, there's some great career points on there too.

Here she is at mile 12.

You can follow her on Twitter @RonisWeigh

Some of her other websites and blogs: GreenLiteBites BlogToLose SkinnyMinnyMedia FitBloggin'

From her bio:

Roni’s daily blog posts, tweets, and video posts have created a
fiercely loyal following of readers. On average, more than 3,500 people visit Roni’s Weigh, GreenLiteBites and BlogToLose each day. Roni has also gained notoriety by being quoted and published in many publications including: Women’s World, Wired and The Baltimore Sun. She’s also been a speaker at various events, including BlogHer DC - Reach Out Tour and BlogHer 2009.

Currently, Veronica is training for the 2009 Baltimore Marathon. In
March 2010, she will host the first ever FitBloggin’ conference in Baltimore,
Maryland - a place for new and seasoned health, wellness, weight loss and
fitness bloggers to come together for knowledge, personal growth and

She manages to blog at 4 places, hold down a job, train for a marathon, have a great family life with a 4 year old and husband... and create some terrific recipes as well. What can we learn from her? Life balance. Time management. Goals.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Northeast Ohio ATHENA Awards for 2009

Akron and Cleveland ATHENA International Event Thursday night... on Twitpic

The Athena Awards were held on Thursday October 1 in Northeast Ohio.
From the Inside Business:
Jacqueline Silas-Butler starts her day early to make sure children in Akron get the head start they need to succeed.

Jacqueline F. Woods established herself as one of Northeast Ohio’s most influential women while leading AT&T Ohio. Now in retirement, she continues taking risks, finding new challenges and helping a new generation of women.

Since 1982, the ATHENA Awards have celebrated women and men throughout the
world who have made a difference in their communities, their professions and the
lives of women around them.

The 10 finalists of Northeast Ohio’s 2009 ATHENA Awards come from a range of backgrounds: large corporations and nonprofit organizations, public service and private firms. But they also share a common bond. Through their leadership, they’ve made our region a better place to live and work.

ATHENA Award Finalists: Lisa Rose, Linda F.R. Omobien, Radhika Reddy, Kimberly Haws Falasco, Margaret Payne, Holly Harris Bane, Jacqueline F. Woods, Jacqueline Silas-Butler, Paul Clark, Heather Roulston Ettinger

Young Professional Award Winners: Lynnette Jackson and Katie Herbst

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Northeast Ohio ATHENA Award Finalists Will Be Honored Tonight

The 2009 ATHENA Award finalists are:

  • Holly Harris Bane, The University of Akron
  • Paul Clark, National City now a part of PNC
  • Kimberly Haws Falasco, Robert W. Baird & Co.
  • Heather Ettinger, Fairport Asset Management LLC
  • Linda Omobien, Omobien & Associates
  • Radhika Reddy, Ariel Ventures LLC
  • Margaret Payne, Retired, Kent State University & Director, Summa Health System
  • Lisa Rose, Dix & Eaton
  • Jacqueline Silas-Butler, Project GRAD Akron
  • Jacqueline Woods, Former President, AT&T Ohio & Trustee, Kent State University

The ATHENA® Award finalists from Northeast Ohio will be honored tonight at the awards Dinner and Celebration at the Embassy Suites Cleveland-Rockside in Independence, Ohio.

Named in recognition of the Greek goddess of wisdom and courage, ATHENA International honors outstanding individuals who have achieved professional excellence, given back to their communities and helped other women reach their full potential by creating leadership opportunities for women here in Northeast Ohio.

Past recipients of this prestigious and nationally-renowned award have started and managed companies, launched products, repositioned brands and influenced business enthusiasts in myriad ways.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Celebrate Women's Leadership Day in Akron

Celebrate Women's Leadership Day in Akron on Tuesday, November 10, 2009. Mark your calendar for lunch right now!

The Women’s Network of Northeast Ohio will be hosting a new program of ATHENA International to celebrate Women's Leadership Day. You'll want to attend this event where an established woman leader will invite an emerging woman leader to join her for lunch.

Who are you mentoring right now that would benefit by networking with other emerging women leaders and established leaders in the Akron area? Or if you are an emerging woman leader what established woman leader in the community have you always wanted to have lunch with to get to know?

Author's note: Notice how I omit the words "old" and "young"? You get the idea!! Everyone loves the phrase established and experienced, but old is not the right adjective!

This unique new lunch will be chaired by Angelina Milo, Cohen & Company, Ltd.; Diane Johnson, Attorney at Law;Angela Fremon, Cole Industries; and Norma Rist, Norma J. Rist CEO Consulting, Inc.

The proceeds for the event will benefit Women’s Network’s Judith Resnik Scholarship Fund.

If you are mentoring an emerging woman leader, this is a wonderful opportunity to develop your relationship with her as well as encourage new relationships.

This Women’s Leadership Day Lunch will be offered the same day in many other cities. Watch the and the November newsletter for the details. Mark your calendar now and plan to attend.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Finding an Alternative to a Job

It seems like getting a job is the main focus of everyone's idea to making a living. Jobs come and go.

Sometimes while looking for a job, it's very handy to generate some additional income. Have you considered something online? Because of some fairly recent changes in technology, you can earn some money by other means too.

What about have an on line business? Selling via eBay, Craigslist or other distribution websites might be one way.

Tapping into one of the largest advertisers in the world that didn't even exist before 1998 could be another. What am I talking about? I know you've heard of it. Just like Craig's List has knocked the stuffin's out of newspaper classified advertising by making it free to all but about 11 cities for jobs and one for apartments, there is a giant information company that offers most of its products for free and still makes tons of revenue. Google.

Google adwords is something many people are familar with. Adwords are those ads on the right hand of the Google search. They also show up inside many websites with related content. Paying for ads isn't what I'm talking about, but rather the other side of the program where Google pays you to display ads on your blog.

You can see a sample on the right hand side here.
What are the steps?
1) Figure out a popular subject area or topic
2) Set up a website (if you use blogspot or wordpress, it's free!)
3) Set up an adsense account in Goggle. You have to put your credit card in so that they can add money to your credit card. (There's a novel idea!! ha ha!)
4) Set your website up to include your adsense ads. This means a click adds some money into your credit card
5) Get traffic to your site by posting good content.

Sounds simple, doesn't it. Well it's more time consuming than that, but probably easier than any one or two more classes towards a masters. The only commitment is the time it takes to figure it out.

Leave me a comment if you're considering this and I'll send you some more links with good information.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Are The 50 Most Important Interview Questions and How Should You Answer Them?

Not only does this blog post have the questions, it discusses the answers as well.

If you're in transition and interviewing for jobs, you'll want to check out these 50 Important Job Interview Questions, Why they are Asked and How You Should Answer.

A few years ago I remember asking a question, "Everyone encounters difficult people when working in a job. Can you tell me about a situation where you had to deal with a difficult person and how you handled it?" to a potential employee. The candidate really blasted her co-worker for about 5 minutes. She just ranted about the person. And without realizing it, she blew the interview.

My question wasn't to find out about wrong the coworker was, but how well the candidate handled the situation and could get work done while getting along with people in a work environment. Believe me, dealing with abrasive personalities is not how the supervisor wants to or needs to be spending their day.

Question 23: Give us an example of a situation where you faced conflict or difficult communication problems.

This is not the time to tell the interviewer how much you hate your current boss or colleagues!

It’s also not the point to launch into a tirade about how difficult people in your office are to work with and how many arguments you have.

So what are they looking for? They’re looking for someone who can rise above conflict and diffuse the emotions, finding a win-win solution.

Basically, recruiters want to employ people who will get on well with others, whilst still delivering the company’s objectives.

This type of question is your chance to demonstrate your interpersonal and team-working skills.

The interviewer will be looking for maturity and the ability to be able to keep your calm, whilst others around you are losing theirs. Don’t feel you have to provide an answer that gives you full credit for the solution – it can often be more powerful (if it’s true) to demonstrate how you worked with others to find a fix.

Practice your answer to this question. It can have many guises, but is almost guaranteed to be asked in some form.

Check out the other 49 questions, discussions and sample answers here.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Need to Change Careers? Attend this 12-Week, No Fee Job Seeker Workshop

Greg Watkins, President of the Capstone Search Group alerted me to a "no fee" Job Seeker Workshop in Columbus, Ohio on September 10, 2009 at 6 pm.

This Job Seeker Workshop runs for 12 weeks beginning on Thursday September 10th and running through December 3 in Columbus, Ohio. Feel free to forward this information to friends, colleagues or neighbors. The only cost to this workshop is $40 for the workbook materials; the course lasts 12 weeks. No need to pre-register, walk-ins are welcome.

Greg Watkins will lead this workshop and is donating his expertise to lead attendees through a detailed process of seeking a new career. Greg is a small business owner for 12 years in the Central Ohio area focused in the recruitment, coaching and outplacement discipline. The typical cost of this type of coaching would normally be in the thousands.

No other services are “sold” at this workshop; it is strictly a servant mentality and is being offered through Greg’s church. The workshop has graduated over 4,000 unemployed / under employed people over the last eight years. There are “scholarships” offered for those who cannot afford the $40 cost of materials.

The workshop promptly begins at 6:00 PM Thursday September 10th. Click here for a link to Google Maps to directions to the Upper Arlington Lutheran Church at 2300 Lytham Road,Columbus OH, 43220.

From what I understand from Greg, it is okay if someone misses the first class or a week or two during the session; however, it is best to make to as many weeks as possible as the material builds week to week. The church website linked here has week by week topics.

There is no pre-registration needed (just show up) and purchase of the materials is not required, but suggested. People are welcome to “audit” the class before purchasing the materials.

Click here for a printable job seeker workshop flyer with information. For more information contact Greg at: or call 614-486-1388 extension 102.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How Facebook Can You Get Fired!

Social media is great when used correctly. Click full screen to be able to read the small print.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Models to Grow Your Million Dollar Business - With or Without Employees

Featured speaker: Norma Rist, Norma J. Rist CEO Consulting, Akron Ohio
Topic: Models to Grow Your Million Dollar Business - With or Without Employees
Where: The Monarch Building, Lower Level 5885 Landerbrook Drive, Mayfield Heights
Northeast Ohio
When: Mon 08/17/09 11:30am - 1:00pm
Type of Event: Business
No registration required.
Questions: 330-865-5900

Check out the Job Hunting and Career Focused Resources at Your Local Public Library

The Akron Public Library has a tremendous resource for those who are transitioning careers, job hunting or simply honing their interviewing skills. I was blown away by the depth and breadth of these resources.

Although all of these handouts are available on line, it may be worth a trip downstairs to the business section because the library also has books about various industries and career areas. There are computers right there so you can research on line easily too.

It might seem to you that libraries are a thing of the past now that the internet is at your fingertips, but now more than ever we need help in organizing, culling through and finding the most relevant and important information for our specific needs. I'd say that the Akron Public Library's job hunting section did an outstanding job of it! For a close up look at all these handouts, click on Job Shop.

Click here for directions to the downtown Akron, Ohio location of the Akron-Summit County Public Library.

Other websites that may be helpful:
Job Skills

Friday, August 14, 2009

ATHENA International Panel Discusses the Unique Approach Women Have to Leadership

I had the pleasure of attending an inspirational evening on Thursday where Martha Mayhood Mertz, the founder of ATHENA International, came to Cleveland, Ohio.

During the evening, a panelist of successful women leaders discussed business, getting started, the difference women make as leaders, and key qualities of a leader in a “Distinctive & Transforming Approach to Leadership” discussion.

Shown from right to left in this photo:

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Great Opportunity from Personal Branding Expert

This from Twitter and Facebook:

Dan Schawbel Anyone interested in a paid internship (must be soph/junior in the Boston area)?

Paid internship. Email him.

I've profiled him a few times. This would be a great opportunity.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Founder of ATHENA International to Come to Cleveland

ATHENA International Award receipient Rita Singh is bringing Martha Mayhood Mertz (pictured at right), founder of ATHENA International to Cleveland for an inspiring leadership event.

A dessert reception to be held on Thursday August 13, 2009 5-8:30 pm at Corporate College East at 440 Richmond Road, Warrensville Heights will feature ATHENA International Founder and celebrated author, Martha Mayhood Mertz who will provide the keynote presentation.

A panel of noted speakers from Cleveland Leadership will discuss a "Distinctive and Transforming Approach to Leadership."

In addition, Martha's book "Becoming ATHENA: Eight Principles of Enlightened Leadership" will be available for book signings.

Find out more about and register here for the leadership event in Cleveland. Sponsorship info is also available here.

Learn more here about ATHENA International, an organization that supports, honors and develops women leaders.

This is a "don't miss it" event!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Job Hunting Ideas for Recent Grads or For Those Transitioning to a New Career

Take some ideas from these posts for recent graduates or other job hunters preparing to enter the job market for their next step with their career.. If you in the mode of transitioning from college to career or you're an experienced professional ready to move into a new opportunity, take a few moments to check out these helpful sites:
  1. Google Student Blog's Grad Tips: Every Friday, this blog posts tips for recent grads that help streamline the job search process. The entire blog (not just Friday tips) are great for honing your computer shortcut skills.

    One of the first things that happens after you graduate and move away from your network in school is that you don't have your "brain trust" sitting in the next room. Google's Student Blog can help you discover new and faster ways of using Googles array of aps like Google Docs, and short cuts to using Gmail. It's like having your favorite computer nerd who knows every trick sitting next to you.

  2. The Resume Girl : Lots of great thoughts and tips. Sign up for her newsletter and Facebook Fan page too. It looks like she's eager to provide some one-on-one coaching, which can be really helpful if you're stuck.

  3. How to decide which job offer: Okay, okay. It seems like you're just trying to get an interview or find someone to talk with you about a possible position. But soon, could be very soon, you'll be faced with making a decision about taking an offer. Here's some good advice of things to consider other than just commute time, vacation package and salary.

  4. Tips for various job hunting situations: Every situation is different, each person's story is different. Here is a site with many variations on a theme.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Women Leaders in India: first female parliament speaker

India already has a woman President, and now the first woman speaker.

NEW DELHI, June 3 (UPI) -- A member of a lower caste in the now outlawed caste system, Meira Kumar, Wednesday was unanimously elected the first woman speaker of India's parliament.

The 64-year-old lawmaker from the Congress party, whose coalition government was returned to power after last month's elections, will hold the country's top Constitutional post, the Press Trust of India reported. She was elected unopposed.

A resolution in parliament naming her speaker, which was moved by Sonia Gandhi, president of the Congress-led coalition, was approved by a voice vote in the lower house of parliament. Leaders of all major opposition parties also had similar motions proposing her name for the post.

Kumar, a member of the Dalit community, is a former Indian Foreign Service officer and also had been a federal minister.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who belongs to the minority Sikh community, said Kumar's selection is a historic moment for the country, and praised her service as a distinguished diplomat and 25 years in parliament, PTI reported.

Kumar said she would make every effort to ensure the dignity of the lower house and its members.

She is the daughter of the late Jagjivan Ram, a former deputy prime minister of India.

India already has a woman President.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Ins and Outs of Internships: Study of 125 Companies Who Hire Interns

Considering an internship? You'll want to read the this recent study of 125 companies internship practices and pay rates in this 42 page PowerPoint report of the 2009 study.

Created by the Employers Resource Council and Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education, it was designed to provide Northeast Ohio employers with important information regarding internship employment practices to help them better attract, retain and develop new talent that will stimulate their long-term growth and success. I think that it also can help interns better understand what a company is looking for and how the process works.

It includes answers to questions like:

  • What are the primary reasons the organizations use interns?
  • What is the benefit to the organization?
  • How much do organizations pay?
  • What are the non-pay benefits that interns get?
  • How do companies find the interns?

Check out the 2009 ERC / NOCHE Internship Pay Rates & Practices Survey.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Create a Brand Strategy to Help You Position Yourself

I think it's important to have a personal brand strategy before you begin job hunting when you want to build your career. It's fine not to have one if you just want a job to earn some money for a while.

But if you're in the early stages of building your career, or in the midst of a career transition, having a brand strategy is one of the key ways of helping you create a clear path for yourself.

Ask yourself these questions when building your strategy:
  • What do I want to accomplish?
  • What am I good at doing?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • What skills & knowledge are companies looking for?
  • How do I want to be described when someone describes me to a potential job referral?

Jot down the words that entered your head when you read those questions. This is the beginning of a mind map, which is a way to capture feelings, thoughts and images all on a piece of paper. It's a great way to begin to organize your strategy on positioning yourself as a brand.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 Words that Contain the Secret of Getting the Next Job


According to this report, 73% of executives get their next job by networking.

Only 3% by cold calling, researching companies... and only 1% by just sending out resumes.

Use online networking. Face to Face networking. Who do you know? Who do they know?

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The 600 Seconds That Can Make All the Difference at a Job Interview

First impressions count! And even more so at a job interview.

You can improve your odds of success by mentally rehearsing the first 10 minutes.

Walk through your posture, your handshake, your accessories and especially your answers to the most common questions traditionally asked at the beginning of each interview. Practice. Practice. Practice.

What are those most common questions? No, I don't mean questions about the weather or if you had trouble finding the location.

Find them here in the 10 Biggest Minutes of Your Interview article. Thanks to executive recruiter Jim Walton at Black in Business for leading me to this article.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You're a Mentor Too -- Even if You Don't Realize It!

Great article on mentoring by Indie Business blog's Donna Marie. No matter what your age or your experience level, you can always reach back and give someone a hand.

If you are an Indie Business owner, rest assured that the next generation of entrepreneurs is watching you. They are looking to see you try new things, to observe what works and what doesn’t work. They’re watching what you say and what you do. They’re receiving guidance and direction from you when they visit your website, your blog, your Twitter page, your Facebook page, your YouTube page.

I think you're a mentor even if you're not an independent business owner.

During difficult economic times when it seems almost impossible to find a job of your dreams, helping others along the way is actually the key to making progress. Like the old saying "What goes around, comes around."

Friday, April 03, 2009

Job Hunters in Northeast Ohio

You may be interested in this link to the website.

The advanced manufacturing employment portal served Northeast Ohio employers, job seekers and students from June 2007 through December 2008. MAGNET thanks the hundreds of employers and job seekers who have used the database over the past 18 months.

I know that the unemployment figures in Northeast Ohio range from 9.3% in Summit County to 14.3% in Trumbull County.

Good luck to everyone searching for jobs and to the employers who are trying to stay in business when orders for products and services are reduced as a result of the economic downturn.

This may be the time for starting a business. I believe I heard from someone that the Chinese symbol for Change is also the same symbol for Opportunity.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Athena International Leadership Summit Hosts Women's Organizations in Panel Discussion

On Monday I attended the ATHENA International Leadership Summit where women's organizations discussed women in leadership. Interesting and dynamic discussions developed and I enjoyed learning more about each organization's role and leadership programs.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Brand Yourself On Line Using Social Media, Social Networking

While job hunting, branding helps you to position yourself in the market place. What type of employer are you trying to attract and how do you want them to think of you?

So how do you do that? Dan Schwabel invited Jacob Share as a guest author on Personal Branding has 50+ Tips to Brand Yourself Online

While some of the tips are HUGE and take months/years to perfect, you can start today by leaving insightful comments on blogs that pertain to your industry and field.

Just visit Google Blog Search to find blogs that deal with your subject matter. When you find the blog, read the post and leave an insightful reply. Don't just leave comment that is a mini ad for you and your services.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Two Women Business Owners Market their Own Business

I recently met two women who are business owners and are making the most of inexpensive marketing techniques:

Read more about the 4 inexpensive marketing techniques Crystal Robinson uses to market her SlimmerWithin business.

Read more about how Bella Rokhman helps people. Bella Rokhman owns ABC International Employment Services, Inc of Solon, Ohio USA.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Returnships (Think Internships) Help Women Returning to Workforce

Have you been out of the workforce for a while? One of the reasons cited for women making less than men on average is that many put their careers on hold to help raise the family, manage the household after a career move to a new state, or to help take care of aging parents.

Now there is a faster way to return to the workforce, thanks to a new program developed by Sara Lee's Brenda Barnes. Trendsite's Marti Barletta in Something Sweet From Sara Lee says:

Returnships will resonate with anyone who temporarily left the work force, or wished that they could have. Your brands will benefit -- I predict you will see them tossed into lots of shopping carts.

According to an article in Forbes magazine:
Sara Lee, which operates brands including Ball Park, Hillshire Farms and Jimmy Dean, can't promise full-time positions for the participants at the end of their returnship. The company laid off 300 of its 1,200 staffers in April; 100 of them worked at the headquarters. But there's always a need for talent, Barnes says. Women (and men) who want a slice of the pie should submit applications this fall for a February 2009 start.
Thanks for the info Marti!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What "Advice" Would You Give to Someone in College Before They Go Into Business?

At a recent mastermind group, several business professionals came up with this list of keys to career advice:

• Think globally (Learn Chinese!)
• Listen.
• Ask the right question to the right person at the right time
• Find your passion
• Be humble
• Do what you are
• Acknowledge your weaknesses and play to your strengths
• Be a continuous learner
• Don’t fear change. Take advantage of it and view it as an opportunity
• Change if you're not having fun -- careers, companies or positions.
• Be an expert in your field
• Develop your “people” skills.

What is missing? What is outdated? Please post your thoughts!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Small Business TV interviews owners at Cleveland's business conference

Each year in the fall The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce's Council of Smaller Enterprises (better known as COSE) puts on a wonderful business conference with many seminars, workshops and exibits.

In October 2008 I was interviewed on Small Business Television during the COSE business conference.

You can watch the whole interview with me at's website where they have posted many business owners' interviews.

If you're thinking of starting a business... or you're already running one, I'm sure you'll find some insights and strategies that will be helpful.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

CAREER PATH INTERVIEW: Video Production Company Owner

Maureen Isern's Career Path Story to Owning Her Own Successful Business

Maureen Isern is the producer and owner of MOPED PRODUCTIONS, a New York City-based video production company serving philanthropic businesses and non-profit organizations to help them "mobilize their mission" through the use of video, audio and photography. Her company is an award-winning, full-service media consulting and production company dedicated to turning her clients' mission into a powerful, customized visual message.

Today she shares insights into her career choices and video production business in this interview:

How did you select this type of business?
I saw an opportunity to tell the stories of organizations that were doing good things, in a way that would illuminate them more expansively and draw in new donors, volunteers and recognition. Non-profits, community organizations, and philanthropic businesses are often reluctant to ‘advertise’ -- in a way, believing that people will give credit where credit is due. I agree the credit is due. But the media pool is so much bigger now. These organizations are only given the chance to shine when they create their own spotlight.

Best thing about my job: We get to help those who are helping others. We get to work with organizations that are having incredible impacts on our communities and it’s very fulfilling to help mobilize their missions through media.

Biggest challenge: As a young media company, it’s easy to be distracted with the hundreds of directions we could potentially go in. There’s so much overlap now between content development and marketing/branding – between web, print and tv – that I want to make sure we offer a robust level of service that meets multiple needs, and at the same maintain that sky-high level of quality and know-how.

Biggest surprise: Things seem to be taking a turn for the better in our business, even during this recession, in that groups are realizing the importance of talking about what they’re doing. They seem to be more receptive to creative directions they may have not considered before – both in terms of messaging and distribution. The tight purse strings are pushing them to be more resourceful, more forward-thinking and more experimental than the non-profit sector has tended to be in the past.

I worry about: making Moped a secure, reliable place to work as a creative professional. In this economic situation and witnessing the downsizing throughout major media companies and non-profits alike, it’s worrisome to think the industry workflow may slow down and a freelancer who counts on me may not have a project for a few weeks. So far, we’re in solid shape, but it’s something that keeps my brain spinning sometimes.

Most important lesson learned: You are only as good as your last work.

Best advice I ever got: If you are really good at what you do, you will find yourself learning something every day. If you’re not, you’ll think you know everything already.

When the going gets tough, I: remind myself that tomorrow morning I will be given a fresh start. My grandmother always said to me ‘and this, too, shall pass.’ That applies to both the good and bad times. I tend to use it more during the bad times!

For relaxation, I: um…. Not much of that these days -- going into the 3rd year of business. I try to make it to a weekend stretch class as often as possible. And every once in a while I reward myself with a visit it to my favorite salon for a pedicure or a facial if I’m feeling fancy. I hope to take a vacation in the spring.

Someone considering this for a career should: know that there is little room for a specialty trade person in media anymore. You can certainly survive only knowing how to produce, or only knowing how to build websites, but you are setting yourself up for hitting your ceiling early. The more you can expand your creative, industry and business know-how, the more indispensably imbedded you’ll be in your field. That means constantly teaching yourself and learning from those around you.

How did you get interested in your career area?
I started in tv journalism, telling community stories via local news. I found my strength in telling difficult stories, personal stories. I knew I wanted to work in a longer, less formulaic format very quickly.
What training did you have? I studied communication and journalism at FSU and FAMU, interned at the WOFL-FOX station in Orlando, and trained as a production assistant and associate producer at WCTV-CBS in Tallahassee, Florida during my last year in college.

What jobs have you held over the years to prepare you for this career? After becoming a field reporter and weekend anchor at WCTV, my producing and editing skills were honed through freelance work in New York, particularly at mtvU, MTV’s college network. mtvU is where I really witnessed the multi-leveled production work that happened with brand integration, opportunities for students, and creating ‘on-air, online and on-the-ground’ elements, as they would say, for their larger initiatives. I also freelanced as an on-camera host for a few different outlets in the city, which will ultimately make anyone a better producer/director. And truly, each client project is like having a new job. You always learn something throughout each creative process.

What things should they do now to get ready for this career? Skills, personality traits. Definitely learn to do your job consistently well, first and foremost. But your standard for success should go beyond accomplishing your tasks. It’s about valuing your own skills and talents in a way that makes the people around you feel good about what you bring to the table. You are you’re own salesperson, no matter what field you’re in.

What are the disadvantages of this career area? I think a lot of people don’t realize the level of conceptual and technical work that goes into planning and creating distribution-quality media products. With the cost of technology going down, and everyone’s nephew having an editing system on their laptop, I think there’s a perception that storytelling and editing are skills you can just ‘pick up.’ There are certain skills that come with time and experience that certainly compounds with talent; neither survives without the other for very long.

What suggestions do you have for someone who wants to pursue your career area? Try everything once. When I was reporting the news in 2001, I never expected to be a non-linear editor or be able to project revenue goals. I have always been open to taking on different types of projects for the sake of experiencing a new aspect of the business. It teaches you something, including what you’re really bad at. I will never be a live-studio soundboard operator.

What I think I’ll be doing 10 years from now: I believe Moped will have evolved into a larger-scale media services company, with online, on-air and print distribution components. I hope to be at a place where I’m overseeing that business, helping other entrepreneurs launch their businesses, and seeing a few little kiddies off to kindergarten and first grade!

Parting shot/ Words of Wisdom to other Women: Nothing gets done without taking the first step. The turtle doesn’t move forward without sticking his neck out. The world makes way for people who know where they’re going. Be a business-woman, not a woman in the business.

Publisher's note:I met Maureen last month at the ATHENA International awards ceremony in Chicago where one of her documentary style videos made it's debut. You can view it at her website or the ATHENA International leadership website as well.